Parks and Recreation Meeting Minutes of November 15, 2010
Committee Members: Billie Luker (BL); Sergio Coviello (SC), Mike Fitzpatrick (MF); Patricia Fillmore (PF), Rita Mullin (RM)
Staff: Maureen Stevens (MS), Lynne Clemens (LC), Marty Tilton (MT), Sheila Sturdevant (SS)
Tardy: none
Absent: Lauren McMullen (LM),
7:04pm Quorum, meeting called to order Billie Luker
Audience of Citizens: None
Acceptance of Minutes: 11/01/10
(PF) Pat Fillmore made a motion to accept minutes as is for 11/01/10 meeting
(SC) Sergio Coviello seconds the motion.
Accept: 5 Opposed: 0 Abstained: 0
Motion Passed
New Business
• 1 Central Street (RM)
Mr. Wheeler has passed away. P&R had the first right of refusal if property was being sold. Rita spoke with the family and the family is going to stay in the house right now. Discussion was had.
• Warrant Articles (MS)
Warrant Articles need to be submitted by the 3rd week of January. Enterprise Account change needs to be placed on a Warrant Article. Discussion was had.
Discussion was had regarding Combine mower being put on a warrant article as well.
• BBQ Dates (MS)
Marty is no longer handling the BBQ Series. Maureen is taking over the events. Maureen would like to know what the committee would like to do regarding dates and rain dates. Maureen summarized last year’s series for everyone. She suggested that she would like to keep the schedule the same as last year: 6 BBQ dates with 2 rain dates at the end of the series. She let the committee know that she would like to have a theme for each BBQ. (i.e. Military theme, Community give back-food pantry, road race, etc.) Maureen handed out a calendar of all the dates for next summer’s series. Rita asked if Courtney, BBQ Coordinator has been in to discuss. Maureen said she will be contacted in February.
(PF) Patricia Fillmore made a motion to accept dates of summer 2011 BBQ series as on the attached calendar.
(RM) Rita Mullin seconds the motion.
Approved: 5 Opposed: 0 Abstained
Motion Passed
Old Business
• Signs at Arthur Kenney Turf Field (RM)
Rita and Marty will be going to the Athletic Sub Committee meeting on 11/16/10 to go over all the details of the Advertising sponsorship at the Arthur Kenney Turf Field. Approval has been given by the Building Inspector Hillview commission, and Parks & Recreation. If the Athletic Sub Committee agree with everything then it will be brought to the School Committee.
Parks Director Updates (MT)
• Updates (MT)
Marty updated the committee on progress at the parks. The irrigation system and bathrooms at IRP, lines have been blown out and prepped for winter. They are working on prepping and closing down all the fields for the winter. Chris Deming will be returned the metal plates to Sergio Coviello this week that they borrowed for the construction at IRP for the bathrooms.
Marty was asked what the status of the need for a combine mower was. He informed the committee that the mower has broken down a lot this year and next year he believes they will be in trouble.
Pavilion Update
Marty has bids out for the concrete pad for the construction of the Pavilion at IRP. Mike O’Neill told Marty that he may have to redo the drawing for the project because the location was moved. Marty believe that is unnecessary. Even though the location changed the logistic and design has not. Marty will work it out with Mike O’Neill. Marty will also meet with the Town Engineer to see what he thinks.
Recreation Director Updates (LC)
• School Half Day programs
Lynne informed the committee that they are going to run some programs for the Middle School Kids that have half days this coming week. There will be a Flag Football/Ultimate Frisbee walk in event on this coming Thursday, Nov. 18th at the Turf field. Also on Friday, she is running a cake decorating class in the afternoon.
Storage Closets at Town Hall Gym
Facility Maintenance Manager created walls between the closets in the Town Hall Gym where Recreation stores its equipment. Lynne was not informed of this happening. She went into the closets and discovered the construction had been done. Lynne was told by John Welsh that he was directed to clean up all the closets located in the Gym and install walls between each closet. Lynne was not told she will lose any closet space but she is concerned that may happen because the Garden Club is looking for space.
Youth Services Director
Lynne informed the committee that the interviews she was involved in for the Youth Services Director went very well.
Operations Director Updates (MS)
• Enterprise Account
Maureen is researching the possibility of Parks & Recreation transferring to an Enterprise Fund 53(F)-1/2. The department can not stay as it is right now because it can not maintain within the state levy cap of $373,000. Discussion was had regarding logistics of an Enterprise Fund. Rita suggested that we speak with the Hillview Commission and get more background. Maureen informed the committee that if they vote to become an Enterprise Fund, the action should be put on a warrant article which is due by the 3rd week in January for submission.
LUC Updates (RM)
• Pavilion Project
LUC voted to spend up to $80,000 to install the Pavilion at IRP. LUC asked if they do not have enough monies to cover the complete $80,000, could they have the monies from the Wine & Food Social toward the project.
The Committee asked to table this subject until the next meeting.
FONRPRC, Inc Update (SS)
• Black Friday Bowl Fundraiser
Sheila updated the committee that the Black Friday Bowl will be moving forward and there will be at least 12 teams playing on that day. Sheila asked if Marty will walk him through all the procedures and expectation of having the event at the Turf Field. Sheila brought up the possibly of snow on the day of event. Marty said they can play in the snow, but they will not and can not do snow removal on the turf field. NO SHOVELS OR RACKS OR EQUIPMENT can be used on the field or track to remove snow. The Bleaches can be wiped down and clean off.
o Bricks (RM)
Rita presented an ad she is submitting to the NR Transcript to advertise for the brick walkway and personalized brick at the turf field. Rita is asking everyone to chip in and promote over the next 90 days. They prices have been reduced for the next 90 days for the promotion. She will call all the people who have purchased a brick so far and inform them of the promotion and that they are eligible for a larger brick. Also, she will let them know a letter is forthcoming.
o New Members
Sheila is going to contact the PTO’s of the schools and see if anyone is interested in getting involved with the FONRPRC, Inc.
Other Business
• 10 Year 911 memorial Event (MS)
Maureen informed the committee that the Veteran’s Director Sue Magner is planning a large event next year on 9/11/11 Sunday to commemorate the 10 year anniversary. Sue is asking Parks & Recreation to be involved and be a part of this event. Maureen believes this is a wonderful idea. There will be a sub committee formed to organize the event.
(RM) Rita Mullin made a motion for the Parks & Recreation Committee and staff to support the 9/11/11 memorial 10 Year Anniversary.
(PF) Patricia Fillmore seconds the motion
Approved: 5 Opposed: 0 Abstained: 0
Motion passed.
o Fundraising Ideas
Billie asked if everyone can start brainstorming regarding fundraising ideas. He would like for some ideas to be brought to the meeting.
o Next Meeting date (SS)- December 6th, 2010 in Room 5 at Town Hall at 7pm
SC will not be at the next meeting
Lynne asked if everyone would be interested in bringing in a food item to the next meeting to donate for the food pantry for the holidays. An email will be sent out to everyone as a reminder.
• Agenda items for next meeting date (SS)
o Signs at Arthur Kenny Field
o Warrant Articles
o Enterprise Fund Update
o LUC-Pavilion-W&F
o FONRPRC-Black Friday Bowl and Bricks updates
(MF) a motion was made by Mike Fitzpatrick for the meeting to adjourn to adjourn at 9:00pm.
(SC) Sergio Coviello seconds the motion.
Accepted: 5 Opposed: 0 Abstained: 0
Motion passed.